Light Is Therefore Colour
22 December 2023 – 23 March 2024
Carl Andre is an important figure in American art, whose work played a central role in the development of Minimalism in the 1960s. By stripping away the inessential and revealing pure matter, Andre works predominantly with industrial materials and other exposed, readymade elements such as brick, metal or stone. This committed, reductive approach to art is also seen in the arrangement of the artist’s works as geometric sequences: the process-based practice is a result of rigorous abstraction and reveals its units of matter as fractions of a whole, further determined by their immediate environment.
This approach to pure form is also seen in Andre’s writing practice as an artist. Letters and words join together as fragments to reveal an essence, a truth, within language and form. The artist’s concrete poetry plays with arrangement and space in a similar manner as his sculptural work does. Andre refuses to restrict himself to just one artform and finds different means to structure his subjectivity into a rationalized form. Here, the act of cognition – the work as a site of conscious and unconscious processes – produces an intimacy within the ‘objective’ of Andre’s works.
Carl Andre (1944-2024) was born in Quincy, Massachusetts and studied at the Phillips Academy in Andover. He lived and worked in New York City for most of his career. Andre won the Guggenheim Fellowship in 1984 and was honored with the Roswitha Haftmann Foundation Prize in 2011. His work has been the subject of numerous solo exhibitions, for example at Dia:Beacon in New York, Kusthalle Basel, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Musée de Marseille, Museum of Modern Art in Oxford, Bonnefantemuseum in Maastricht, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Kunsthalle Bern, The St. Louis Art Museum, and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. He also exhibited in art historically important group exhibitions such as When Attitudes Become Form at Kunsthalle Bern in 1969. Andre’s work is represented in numerous collections such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Tate Modern in London and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.
144 Steel cubes, 10 × 10 × 10 cm each
10 × 120 × 120 cm
CA/S 141
1 × 400 × 400 cm
CA/S 200
copper and zinc plates
1 × 25 × 25 cm each
1 × 50 × 325 cm overall
CA/S 55
copper cubes
10 × 10 × 10 cm each
10 × 10 × 230 cm overall
CA/S 101
African walnut
4.5 × 58.3 × 23.8 cm each
238 × 58.3 × 58.5 cm overall
CA/S 74
104 copper triangles
0.5 × 20 × 20 cm each
0.5 × 80 × 368 cm overall
CA/S 161
256 hot-rolled steel triangles
50 × 50 × 70.7 cm each
1 × 800 × 1.132 cm overall
CA/S 164
western red cedar
90 × 2.700 × 30 cm
CA/S 145
western red cedar
90 × 2.700 × 30 cm
CA/S 145
western red cedar
30 × 30 × 90 cm each
30 × 30 × 630 cm overall
CA/S 4
white styrofoam
23 × 53 × 136.5 cm each
242.5 × 273 × 253 cm overall
CA/S 62
Exhibition view at Galerie Tschudi, Zuoz, 2015/2016
xerox-copy from the seventies
28 × 21.7 cm
xerox-copy from the seventies
28 × 21.7 cm
xerox-copy from the seventies
28 × 21.7 cm
xerox-copy from the seventies
28 × 21.7 cm
CA/S 57
xerox-copy from the seventies
28 × 21.7 cm
CA/D 91
xerox-copy from the seventies
28 × 21.7 cm
CA/D 63
Exhibition view Galerie Tschudi, Zuoz, 2018
book proof, offset print on paper, two-sided
each 33.1 × 26.6 cm (framed)
book proof, offset print on paper, two-sided
27.9 × 21.6 cm
33.1 × 26.6 cm (framed)
CA/D 94
Book proof, offset print on paper, two-sided
27.9 × 21.6 cm
33.1 × 26.6 cm (framed)
CA/D 95
Book proof, offset print on paper, two-sided
27.9 × 21.6 cm
33.1 × 26.6 cm (framed)
CA/D 96
102 pages, signed and numbered by Carl Andre on last page
28.5 × 22 cm
CA/E 2
102 pages, signed and numbered by Carl Andre on last page
28.5 × 22 cm
CA/E 2
102 pages, signed and numbered by Carl Andre on last page
28.5 × 22 cm
CA/E 2
Group show
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Vancouver Art GalleryIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Carl Andre on 24 January 2024. With him we have lost an amazing and extraordinary friend and artist. Our hearts and thoughts are with his wife Melissa Kretschmer and the family.
1935 – 2024
Read morePhilipp Meier
26 Januar 2024
Der amerikanische Künstler hat die Skulptur radikal neu gedacht: weg vom in sich geschlossenen Objekt, hin zum Raum. Sein Werk hat die Kunstrichtung der Minimal Art vorgespurt.
Heinz-Norbert Jocks
In den frühen 1960ern hatte Andre mit linearen Installationen aus Holz, Ziegelsteinen und Metall eine neue Kunstrichtung mit ins Leben gerufen und alle für die Skulptur bis dahin geltenden Kriterien verworfen. Seinen Durchbruch hatte er 1970 mit einer Solo-Show im Guggenheim Museum. 2015 widmete ihm das Dia Beacon Museum eine Retrospektive mit dem Titel „Sculpture as Place, 1958 – 2010“. Nach einer Zwischenstation im Madrid war sie im letzten Jahr im Hamburger Bahnhof und danach im Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris zu sehen. Sie läutete eine Renaissance des Minimalisten ein. Heinz-Norbert Jocks traf Carl Andre in Anwesenheit seiner Frau Melissa Kretschmer in New York, um zu erfahren, wie er heute auf sein Leben als Künstler zurückblickt.
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